With The Trademark Indonesia, Consumers will be Able to Identify

With the trademark indonesia consumers will be able to identify the different types of products that you offer. The trademark is always inherent as the branding of various products offered in the market, therefore trademark registration is important.

However, some entrepreneurs who just started and own their businesses are sometimes still hesitant to register the brand of their business. In here, you will be given the reason why trademark Indonesia is very important to entrepreneurs.

5 Reason Why Trademark Is Very Important

1. Your Business Will Receive Protection After Registered

Different than copyrights and patents which require novelty and originality, it should be noted that conceptually a new brand will protect after the brand is registered and a trademark certificate has been issued by the Minister of Law and Human Rights.

Upon the right of the mark, then an exclusive right is born which is granted by the State to the owner of the registered mark. It works for ten years from the date of receipt and can be extended.

2. As An Identify Of The Product

The brand is defined as a sign that can be displayed graphically in the form of an image, logo, and name of the product. From that definition, It is known that the brand is a sign of a product.

This mark usually labels the product as a representation of the reputation for certain offers. For example, we all know that the Apple brand is not a representation of fruit but a brand of electronic products like smartphones, Macbook, Tablets, and others.

3. As A Differentiator With The Other Product

This is one of the functions of a brand that is visible as a differentiator between goods or services produced by one person or legal entity and other goods or services in trading activities. This is also preventing you from plagiarism branding by the other competitors in global trade.

4. Can Protect Your Brand From Piracy

Building a business, of course, has an above and below period. Sometimes entrepreneurs experience piracy of the products they sell. If you have legally registered your brandings, this will not happen.

The reason for that problem is, trademarks that are officially recognized are protected by laws of governing trademarks and geographic indications. Piracy in any case will be subject to strict criminal penalties.

Baca Juga : How to Deal with Trademark Indonesia : Regulations, etc.

5. Exclusive Rights For Your Brand

By registering a trademark, the Trademark and Geographical Indication Law will give an exclusive right to a registered trademark owner. It can be able to use the trademark in business or give permission to other parties to use the mark. If a license is granted to another party to use its mark, the registered mark owner can grant permission through a license.

Those are some of the advantages and the benefits that you can get from official brand registration. Labels registration must be carried out as soon as possible to avoid the plagiarism of competitors who will compete with the business you are developing.

Do not delay to register a trademark to enhance your product. It will be very useful for your company. It also protects your business and brings it to global trade.

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Irwin Andriyanto

Seorang blogger Kabupaten Tangerang & SEO Consultant, Lulusan Teknik Informatika (S.Kom, Universitas Serang Raya) & Magister Manajemen Pemasaran (M.M, Universitas Esa Unggul). Tertarik dengan dunia digital marketing, khususnya SEO.

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